Charter School

Ascent Academy (3 locations)

Client Goals

Selected site required joint use of the play field of the adjoining city park. Similarly, the storm water retention pond required joint use with the park. Both of these efforts were executed to maximize land use and minimize resources expended in building the school with a limited budget.

Sustainable Features

Minimized use of artificial lighting, occupancy/vacancy sensors, rooftop light tubes, advanced air sealing, high-performance window glazing, native landscaping, energy-efficient building materials

Other Information

Staking and build was coordinated with the city as well as planning for road improvements. Ascent academy has multiple campuses throughout the state under the same charter.

In-depth Stats

Square Footage168,473
Timeline9 months
LocationLehi/Farmington, UT

Project Description

The Ascent Academies (farmington shown here) presented a timeline that required a fast-track design build. Among the requests from the school board was particular details regarding the sustainability of materials and use of natural light to reduce costs and provide the best possible natural atmosphere for students.

Project Type

New Construction

Services Rendered

  • Structural Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Architectural Design
  • Site Planning
  • Entitlement
  • Surveying